Monday, September 21, 2009


I have been out of touch with everyone due to sick children. I have found myself unable to workout and the last two days eating horrible. I, like so many of you, have to find it in myself to get motivated to workout and eat right again. I find that when I have interruptions in my schedule it plays havic with workout schedule. Tomorrow is another day and I will regain my focus and start again.

My yoga instructor gave me this message: You may chose to be miserable. Or you may
motivate yourself to workout. The choice is yours.

I thought that fitting. Sort of strange that I received that the day before my children ended up sick.

So, I hope that everyone keeps going or starts again with a renewed since of focus and direction towards their goals.

1 comment:

Kim J said...

Yay...your back! I saw that you made it to Yoga today. I am glad everyone is feeling better. I weighed in this morning and had another 1.6 pound loss...that makes it 8 total now. I am happy with that :)