Friday, September 25, 2009


Everyone is doing really well. Yesterday someone told me about losing 7 lbs this month. I received an email today that another person lost 22 lbs in 2 months. I just want to say keep going, you can reach your goal one day at a time. Don't make the mistake of slipping one day and then quitting. Like everything else in life we don't just quit, we do better the next time.

I have been watching Dr. Oz. Please take a look at his website on today's show if you want a shock. Today they reviewed the lining on top of the stomach, they showed the correct size it should be and then the size of an overweight person. It is enough to turn your stomach, but realize that being overweight isn't about the way you look. It is about what harm it does to your body, how organs are just crammed together so their is no room for them to function properly. Eating right is about feeling your best and living life to its fullest.

Everyone keep up the good work!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Little Phrases to keep you going, plus give you something to think about.

Commitment leads to action. Action brings your dream closer. Marcia Wieder

I love this phrase. At yoga some of the instructors give us this motivational words of wisdom after class. I think that it is important to be able to keep going.

Our bodies have such a memory it is crazy. For instance, all of us have gone on a diet and then quit. We lose for awhile and then we come to a hault and don't lose for a couple of weeks, so we stop dieting. WRONG THING TO DO!!! My theory is this: our body loses weight and then stops and says, no reason to keep giving up weight she will quit she always does. If you stick with your diet program you body will realize that you are serious this time and start losing again. It is basically a battle of the wills. Your mind (that knows the right thing to do) vs. your body (simply acting like a spoiled child wanting whatever it wants when it wants).

Stick with your program. If it stops working for three weeks call me. I guarantee that you have changed something or need to just tweak your diet a little bit and then you will be on track again.

I watched Dr. Oz yesterday and in his parting words he said this: If you give up 100 calories of junk food everyday for a year you will lose 10 lbs. This is a great motivator for some people. I look at it the opposite if I eat an extra 100 calories a day then I am going to gain 10 lbs this year. For me, that is 2 dress sizes. Seriously scary!!!

Please think of what you are eating. Ask the question: Is it good for me or am I just filling up on empty calories to satisfy a craving (the spoiled child).

Good Luck everyone!!!

Monday, September 21, 2009


I have been out of touch with everyone due to sick children. I have found myself unable to workout and the last two days eating horrible. I, like so many of you, have to find it in myself to get motivated to workout and eat right again. I find that when I have interruptions in my schedule it plays havic with workout schedule. Tomorrow is another day and I will regain my focus and start again.

My yoga instructor gave me this message: You may chose to be miserable. Or you may
motivate yourself to workout. The choice is yours.

I thought that fitting. Sort of strange that I received that the day before my children ended up sick.

So, I hope that everyone keeps going or starts again with a renewed since of focus and direction towards their goals.

Friday, September 11, 2009

So Proud, Pat Yourself On The Back

I am more proud every day when I talk to each of you. All of you are trying really hard. I make changes in your diet and change your work out a little harder, you go with it. Thank you for believing in yourself!! Thank you for not once saying "I can't do that". I know that each of you inspire me to be as good as I possibly can, know that I am human, but if I mess up to keep going. I know two people that have been dieting for a month and both lost 7 lbs. That is awesome!!! I know another person who lost 3 lbs her first week! All and all I think that everyone is losing!! It doesn't matter what you lose each week, because if you continue for a year, I guarantee you will be thinner next year then now. Each day new challenges arrive, but as they arrive please let me know and I will try to help you as much as I am capable.
Today, my brother was saying that he is getting really tired of oatmeal for breakfast. Try 1 whole egg, 2 egg whites with 2 cups of sauteeds vegies. Put the egg mixture in an orowheat thin. I will look up a receipe that I have for a pancake. This is a pancake like most people eat and again a love it or hate it receipe. I personally love it and recommend it for a change. I will put in on Monday. This weekend I will be gone so I can't review everyone's food, but put it on their and I will look Sunday night. Keep working hard! Take a look at your workout, can you add another 5 min to both day & night, 5 min to just one. If you have the energy then do it!!! The more your burn the more you will lose. Love you guys and again very proud!!!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Need a break from eating healthy and are breaks worth it?

Well, apparently even though I was really mad the other day and felt bad, it did some good! Most of you buckled down and tried to do better this week! I am proud of you. I am thankful that you didn't give up on yourself. I guess I am more like a Jillian (from biggest loser) blunt! I know that each of you can get to where you want to be, just go day by day. I don't want anyone to ever give up just because they are having a bad day.

Bad days happen to everyone. I know sometimes you have to just go out and eat something not healthy in order to have a break. I have been there. Trust me I ate orange roughy and broccoli for 6 weeks every night for dinner because I wanted to see how lean I could get, it worked but I really wanted to have some steak with mashed potatoes. The only thing that kept me going is knowing what I wanted to look like when I reached my goal. I want you to reserve those days of blowing your diet to once a month if possible. Take one day a month go out to dinner and have a nice dessert. Then I want you to record how it made you feel. If it made you feel good and ready to get back on track then you are capable of doing this reward. If you do it and you feel guilty and sad, then you probably shouldn't do it. Dieting is an emotional roller coaster daily. We feel good if we work out, then if we mess up just a little it brings us down. The one thing that I have learned is that we cannot be perfect all the time. Every so often we need a diet break. When I eat badly I end up feeling horrible, and feeling the need to work harder that day, sometimes that night. So, keep track of how it makes you feel. Did you lose weight the week you ate out? If not as much are you ok with that result? These are questions that you need to answer before you eat out! LOL Have a healthy day.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Today is a new day!!

I was really disappointed last night and with my previous post you can understand why. I hope today everyone takes the attitude it is a new day, whatever I did wrong in the past I will do better on. I am happy because I just found out that one of the family lost 7 lbs since she went to the doctor's office last month. I think that is awesome!!! She made me day!! Much to my surprise she wasn't happy with these results. I think that you should be happy with whatever strides you are making. Please keep in mind that this is a opportunity for you to make your body work better. Take a look at your parents. When I look at my parents I see where I want to improve myself before I get their age. For example: my mom has some blood issues that cannot be fixed due to diet, but she has type 2 diabetes which is all due to diet. My father who eats too much sugar and doesn't exercise had to have back surgery. I truely believe that the pain in his knees and stress on his back wouldn't have been as bad if he weren't carrying around so much extra weight. Not to mention his recovery from the surgery would have been easier if he wasn't so overweight. I am not saying that being thin is the answer, I am saying that eating right and exercising would make the golden years be a little more golden. Our bodies do get older and I want to grow old with energy. So, if you want to make every part of your life current and future a success than work on it daily. Right now you might have to be more strict because you are playing catch up, but catch up get it done and then it is easy street. I know that all of you can do this if you really want it. The question is how bad do you want it.
I think you should find a picture of yourself when you were happy with the way you look, place it on the refrig or somewhere that you workout. My in shape pictures inspire me because I know I can get there, dam it was me at one time. A picture of someone else doesn't do as well because I can't be them. Picture what you want yourself to be and do what you need to get there. I promise that the harder you work on it the better your results will be.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Don't quite get it!

I have been really busy so I haven't been able to review everyone's food. Today I sat and reviewed 8 people's food. I was very frustrated with most of the entries. I am not sure if people just don't get it, don't work on what they are going to eat, or just think that they can continue eating the same food and still lose weight because they wrote it down. There are a lot of diets out there, and as I have said every one of them work. The problem is there are only 1 or 2 that I am aware of that will continue to work when you go off of them, so that you still keep your weight off. Who wants to go on diets every year or so. I know that I don't. I know that if I eat a high protein diet with carbs that aren't processed, I keep my fat to a minimum then I will lose weight, not have any cellulite and feel great!! I think most of the problem is people don't want to commit to holding themselves responsible for what they put in their body. I feel that on one hand I have it harder than most with celiacs disease. It is beyond difficult, but I do it. That is also how I feel about dieting. Like today, I could have had baked beans because the only carb I have was vegies but why I want to lose weight. I don't want to be on a diet for five years only losing at a slow rate. I want to push hard get where I want to be and then relax and keep the weight off by just eating healthy. I don't mean to be grumpy but it takes time to review people's food, if you say I inspire you than let me inspire you to eat right.
Quit eating processed food!!!!
Write down everything you plan on eating the next day and see if the ratio's are right!!
You need protein, natural carbs and little fat!
You need 20 g. of protein per meal and you need 5 meals a day!
You all have said that you are inspired, then inspire someone else, not by losing a few pounds and then later gaining them back. By having the willpower to say no that isn't good for me so I am not going to eat it!! If I can do it then anyone can.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Shrimp Stir Fry

6 oz shrimp
1/4 T low sodium soy sauce
1/2 t. rice vinegar
1/4 c. fat free chicken broth
1/4 t. garlic
1/4 t. ginger
1/2 c. onion
1/2 c. broccoli
1-1/4 c. snow peas
1-1/2 c. mushrooms
1/4 c. yellow red pepper (I use red)
1/4 c. canned water chestnuts (drained)
Approx 2 packets of Splenda or Equal

Mix everything from the soy sauce to the onions and let saute until tender. Add all vegies, stirring occationally, you may add more chicken broth if needed but I have never needed it.
Add Splenda one packet then taste sauce, if desired add two. Last put shrimp in and cook until pink.
My kids love this and so do I. It is out of the P90X cookbook, but the Splenda I added to make it taste more like something served at a restaurant. It finishes off the sauce.
Let me know if you guys like it! PLEASE NOTE: NO RICE JUST EAT IT IN A BOWL

Breakdown: 332 Cal. 4 g Fat 44 g. Protein 33 g. Carb
This receipe is one serving!!

Friday, September 4, 2009


Here are a few supplements that you should think about:

Fish oil I strongly recommend. Make sure that it is a good fish oil not some over the counter stuff with a bunch of fillers. Look on the back and see what the EPA and DHA are listed. The ones I take are Ultimate Omega brand which consists of EPA of 650mg and DHA of 450mg. I find, as well as, other that go on these that they help with joints and just feeling better in normally sore areas. When you are working out on a regular basis this is a must!!!

For the people who get the munchies late at night after dinner but shouldn't be eating at that time, try Chromium Picolinate. At the diet center, they recommend this to curve your appetite from carbs at night. Not sure why it works but I tried it and it did help a little.

Always take some sort of vitamin, for women with calcium. Since I think that cheese is horrible for you, and milk has a ridiculous amount of sugar. I would recommend giving up both. The problem then is you need to get some calcium from somewhere. I have it in my vitamin.

Remember these are only suggestions, but they have helped some of my friends and my husband swears by fish oil (Due to no more knee issues)!!!

I hope this helps some of you!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Sugars according to

Many people ask how many carbs, protein, fat should I have, it is a ratio thing. If you follow 40%carbs, 30% protein and fat you will be eating right.

On one of the spark people articles in says that your sugars per day (this includes added to an item or hidden sugars in processed foods) should be as follows:
A person eating 2000 calories per day = should have 32 g. of sugar (which is 8 tsps.)
A person eating 1200-1500 calories per day = should have 19-24 g. of sugar (which is 6 tsps.)

Take a test and count your sugars for the day and see where you are at? I have never done this so I will do it today and let you know. Work out hard and keep on track.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Is it really worth it? Ask yourself before you eat it!!!

Someone pointed this out to me today. Maybe this will help put things into perspective. You decide you are going to eat a blueberry nutri-grain bar which contains 130 calories. You think it is just a little cheat for the day, well this is what you have to remember:

It will take me busting my butt on my eliptical for 13 minutes of my regular 1/2 hour of running to just burn off the calories of a bar that took 2 minutes to consume. This doesn't leave me with much time to burn off the proper food that I consumed. It really doesn't make much sense!!

Try to think of it in these terms. If I eat that how much more time am I going to have to work out. Is my whole workout being give to consuming one food, which really isn't good for me anyway? Something to think about!!!