Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Is it really worth it? Ask yourself before you eat it!!!

Someone pointed this out to me today. Maybe this will help put things into perspective. You decide you are going to eat a blueberry nutri-grain bar which contains 130 calories. You think it is just a little cheat for the day, well this is what you have to remember:

It will take me busting my butt on my eliptical for 13 minutes of my regular 1/2 hour of running to just burn off the calories of a bar that took 2 minutes to consume. This doesn't leave me with much time to burn off the proper food that I consumed. It really doesn't make much sense!!

Try to think of it in these terms. If I eat that how much more time am I going to have to work out. Is my whole workout being give to consuming one food, which really isn't good for me anyway? Something to think about!!!


Amber Kelly said...

So incredibly true!! Like gospel :)

Stephie J. said...

Thanks for the encouragement, I wanted a piece of cake so bad at lunch today,( It looked so good)refrained because I didn't want to have to log it in my meal plan. Normally I would have eaten it!!