Monday, September 7, 2009

Today is a new day!!

I was really disappointed last night and with my previous post you can understand why. I hope today everyone takes the attitude it is a new day, whatever I did wrong in the past I will do better on. I am happy because I just found out that one of the family lost 7 lbs since she went to the doctor's office last month. I think that is awesome!!! She made me day!! Much to my surprise she wasn't happy with these results. I think that you should be happy with whatever strides you are making. Please keep in mind that this is a opportunity for you to make your body work better. Take a look at your parents. When I look at my parents I see where I want to improve myself before I get their age. For example: my mom has some blood issues that cannot be fixed due to diet, but she has type 2 diabetes which is all due to diet. My father who eats too much sugar and doesn't exercise had to have back surgery. I truely believe that the pain in his knees and stress on his back wouldn't have been as bad if he weren't carrying around so much extra weight. Not to mention his recovery from the surgery would have been easier if he wasn't so overweight. I am not saying that being thin is the answer, I am saying that eating right and exercising would make the golden years be a little more golden. Our bodies do get older and I want to grow old with energy. So, if you want to make every part of your life current and future a success than work on it daily. Right now you might have to be more strict because you are playing catch up, but catch up get it done and then it is easy street. I know that all of you can do this if you really want it. The question is how bad do you want it.
I think you should find a picture of yourself when you were happy with the way you look, place it on the refrig or somewhere that you workout. My in shape pictures inspire me because I know I can get there, dam it was me at one time. A picture of someone else doesn't do as well because I can't be them. Picture what you want yourself to be and do what you need to get there. I promise that the harder you work on it the better your results will be.

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